

Our fundamental objective is strengthening communities' biocultural heritage by interconnecting science, art, and indigenous knowledge about Nature. 

We seek to inspire people to generate self-knowledge and social cohesion to address socio-environmental challenges, using collaborative tools to contribute to the regeneration of ecosystems for the benefit of themselves, their community, and the ecosphere.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster resilient and equitable systems to address human challenges that integrate the needs of society with the integrity of nature, interweaving art, science, and design.

Our Vision

Inspire and empower people to enrich diversity, social cohesion, sustainable living, a culture of peace, and collaborative tools to reinforce our sense of belonging to Nature towards ecological restoration.

Public Art by karen abernethy & Karla Saenz, Melbourne, Australia.

Karla Kopalli

visual artist

Think of her as a a visual interpreter. Her work has always been a sort of bridge between three dimensions: nature, mind and humanity. As a creator, Karla gets constantly involved with anthropological matters and cultural phenomena. Among her principal quests is that of the truth revealed, and the almost-lost-sense of human purity. Her studies in urbanism, sustainability and bioethics have always guided her creative code onto a more "deffensive" discursivity. She creates power symbols. Throughout her work, one can easily recognize a profund respect towards craftmanship and ethnical spirituality. Her pieces reach a certain sense of documental tenacity that drives the spectator to an almost spiritual trance. 
Karla has shown her work in different contexts and spaces; the search of a non-museographical transcendence led her to become a fierceful creator. She doesn´t follow inspiration as it goes; to her, every art project she starts is -naturally- collective, and necessary. 

luis ramaggio.
